Who Gives You Permission?

Michelle Nicole Martin

Leadership & Performance Coach for Small Business Owners

Reader, did you know that many Small Business Owners I work with don't see themselves as leaders; they simply focus on getting the job done.

But this mindset creates a problem – it holds you back from reaching your full potential and inhibits your ability to inspire and empower others.

The cycle begins innocently enough. You tell yourself, "I'm not a leader; I'm just running a business."

But then you wonder, "What would it take to be a leader?" You start to question your abilities and qualifications, doubting whether you have what it takes to lead effectively.

And so, the cycle continues – "To see myself as a leader, what would it take? But I can't be one because I don't see myself as one."

Breaking free from this cycle requires a shift in mindset.

It's about recognizing that leadership is not defined by old stoic corporate guys in suits like on TV.

Leadership is about rallying a team towards a common goal, in your style.

Leadership is as defined by YOU! It’s a mindset, a way of thinking and acting.

It's about stepping into your own power and embracing your ability to influence and inspire those around you.

And if you don't think you are one, you wait for what?

Some external something to give you permission?

Cuz if you’re waiting for someone or something to give you permission to lead, to step into that role you’re already in…you’re going to be waiting a long time……pack some snacks, it’ll be a while.

The only person who gives you permission to be who you want to be is YOU.

So, how do we break the cycle and prove our new identity to ourselves?

You can answer this... You are not the same person you used to be and your self-concept has evolved over the years.

You once were not:

  • A business owner
  • A course creator
  • A Speaker
  • A Writer
  • A Coach
  • A whatever.....

What did you do to shift into who you are today? The recipe is the same

  • Decide who you want to be.
  • Act as if you already are that person.
  • Prove who you are to yourself, each day in the small shifts. Just like last week’s email, a 10km race is one step after the other until you cross the finish line. Find E-mail Here

So when someone says I don't see myself as a Leader, I hear "I haven't decided to be a Leader."

If you’re ready to make that decision once and for all, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Book a free consultation call to talk about how you can go from doer to leader


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